Sack Library Documentation

Example One : A simple client side application. Reads standard input, and writes it to a server it connects to. Read the network and write as standard output.

#include <network.h>
#include <logging.h>
#include <sharemem.h>
void CPROC ReadComplete( PCLIENT pc, void *bufptr, int sz )
   char *buf = (char*)bufptr;
    if( buf )
        buf[sz] = 0;
        printf( "%s", buf );
        fflush( stdout );
        buf = (char*)Allocate( 4097 );
        //SendTCP( pc, "Yes, I've connected", 12 );
    ReadTCP( pc, buf, 4096 );
PCLIENT pc_user;
void CPROC Closed( PCLIENT pc )
   pc_user = NULL;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    SOCKADDR *sa;
    if( argc < 2 )
        printf( "usage: %s <Telnet IP[:port]>\n", argv[0] );
        return 0;
    SystemLog( "Starting the network" );
    SystemLog( "Started the network" );
    sa = CreateSockAddress( argv[1], 23 );
    pc_user = OpenTCPClientAddrEx( sa, ReadComplete, Closed, NULL );
    if( !pc_user )
        SystemLog( "Failed to open some port as telnet" );
        printf( "failed to open %s%s\n", argv[1], strchr(argv[1],':')?"":":telnet[23]" );
        return 0;
   //SendTCP( pc_user, "Some data here...", 12 );
    while( pc_user )
        char buf[256];
        if( !fgets( buf, 256, stdin ) )
            RemoveClient( pc_user );
            return 0;
        SendTCP( pc_user, buf, strlen( buf ) );
    return -1;

Example Two : A server application, opens a socket that it accepts connections on. Reads the socket, and writes the information it reads back to the socket as an echo.

#include <stdhdrs.h>
#include <sharemem.h>
#include <timers.h>
#include <network.h>
void CPROC ServerRecieve( PCLIENT pc, POINTER buf, int size )
    //int bytes;
    if( !buf )
        buf = Allocate( 4096 );
        //SendTCP( pc, (void*)"Hi, welccome to...", 15 );
        //SendTCP( pc, buf, size );
    // test for waitread support...
    // read will not result until the data is read.
    //bytes = WaitReadTCP( pc, buf, 4096 );
    //if( bytes > 0 )
    //   SendTCP( pc, buf, bytes );
    ReadTCP( pc, buf, 4095 );
    // buffer does not have anything in it....
void CPROC ClientConnected( PCLIENT pListen, PCLIENT pNew )
    SetNetworkReadComplete( pNew, ServerRecieve );
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    PCLIENT pcListen;
    SOCKADDR *port;
    if( argc < 2 )
        printf( "usage: %s <listen port> (defaulting to telnet)\n", argv[0] );
        port = CreateSockAddress( "localhost:23", 23 );
        port = CreateSockAddress( argv[1], 23 );
    pcListen = OpenTCPListenerAddrEx( port, ClientConnected );
        while(1) WakeableSleep( SLEEP_FOREVER );
        printf( "Failed to listen on port %s\n", argv[1] );
    return 0;
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