Name |
Description |
Flattens all segments in a line to a single segment result. | |
Collapses an indirect segment or a while list of segments into a single segment with content expanded. When passed to things like TextParse and Burst, segments have their positioning encoded to counters for tabs and spaces; the segment itself contains only text without whitespace. Buildline expands these segments into their plain text representation. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::CharWConvert. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::CharWConvertLen. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::DECLTEXT. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::DECLTEXTSZ. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::DECLTEXTSZTYPE. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::DEFTEXT. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::FORALLTEXT. | |
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special coordinate which is NO coordinate | |
flag combinatoin which represents actual data is present even with 0 size extended format operations (position, ops) are also considered data. | |
Tests a PTEXT segment to see if it might be a floating point number. | |
IsSegAnyNumber returns 0 if no, 1 if is int, 2 if is float if pfNumber or piNumber are available then the text pointer will be updated to the next segment after what was used to resolve the number. bUseAllSegs is for testing pTexts which are indirect, such that only all segments within the indirect segment will result valid. pfNumber and piNumber may be passed as NULL, and the function can still be used to determine ifnumber the number resulting in the values pointed to will be filled in with (*pfNumber)=FltCreateFromSeg(p) (or Int as appropriate) #define IsNumber(p) IsSegAnyNumberEx( &(p), NULL,... more | |
Tests the content of a PTEXT to see if it might be a number. | |
Duplicates a linked list of segments. Duplicates the structure of a line. The resulting line is an exact duplicate of the input line. All segments linked in exactly the same sorts of ways. | |
Computes the length of characters in a line, if all segments in the line are flattened into a single word. | |
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This is macro sack::containers::text::LineLengthExx. | |
A convenient macro to go from one segment in a line of text to the next segment. | |
A convenient macro to go from one segment in a line of text to the prior segment. | |
This is function sack::containers::text::SegConcatEx. | |
Create a PTEXT with specified number of character capacity. | |
Creates a PTEXT segment from a string. | |
| |
Creates a text segment from a floating point value. Probably uses something like '%g' to format output. Fairly limited. | |
Creates a text segment from a 64 bit integer. | |
Creates a PTEXT segment from a string. | |
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Creates a PTEXT segment from a string. | |
This duplicates a specific segment. It duplicates the first segment of a string. If the segment has indirect data, then the first segment of the indirect data is duplicated. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::SegExpand. | |
Release a single segment. UNSAFE. Does not respect that it is in a list. | |
Split a PTEXT segment. | |
Sets a PTEXT to the last segment that it points to. | |
Set segment's indirect data. | |
Link one PTEXT segment to another. Sets one half of the links appropriate for usage. | |
Link one PTEXT segment to another. Sets one half of the links appropriate for usage. | |
might also check to see if pseg is an indirect - setting this size would be BAD | |
Duplicate the whole string of text to another string with exactly the same content. | |
test flag, format has position data | |
Adds a single character to a PVARTEXT collector. | |
Adds a single character to a PVARTEXT collector. | |
The simplest, most general way to create a PVARTEXT collector. The most extended vartext creator allows specification of how long the initial buffer is, and how much the buffer expands by when required. This was added to optimize building HUGE SQL queries, working withing 100k buffers that expanded by 50k at a time was a lot less operations than expanding 32 bytes or something at a time. | |
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextCreateExEx. | |
Destroy a VarText collector. | |
Empties a PVARTEXT structure. | |
Add a specified number of characters to the amount of space in the VARTEXT collector. | |
Probably should not be exported. Initializes a VARTEXT structure to prepare it for subsequent VarText operations. | |
Returns the PTEXT that is currently in a PVARTEXT. It does not alter the contents of the PVARTEXT. Do not LineRelease this peeked value. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::WcharConvert. | |
This is macro sack::containers::text::WcharConvertLen. |