Sack Library Documentation
sack::msg::protocol Namespace Macros
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::INTERFACE_METHOD. 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::LOWEST_BASE_MESSAGE. 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::MSG_DispatchPending. 
Dispach Pending - particularly display mouse event messages needed to be accumulated before being dispatched this event is generated when no more messages have been received. 
skip a couple messages so we don't have to recompile everything very soon... 
this is a fun thing, in order to use it, undefine MyInterface, and define your own to your library's interface structure name (the tag of the structure) 
Mate ended - for the client, this means that the server has become defunct. For the server, this means that a client is no longer present. also issued when a client volentarily leaves which in effect is the same as being discovered gone. param[0] = Process ID of client disconnecting result_length = INVALID_INDEX - NO RESULT DATA, PLEASE! 
finally - needed to define a way for the service to actually know when a client connects... so that it may validate commands as being froma good source. also, a multiple service server may want this to know which service is being loaded. params + 0 = text string of the service to load on return result[1] is the number of messages this routine expects. result[0] is the number of events this service may generate 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::MSG_OFFSET. 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::MSG_ServiceLoad. 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::MSG_ServiceUnload. 
Service is about to be unloaded - here's a final chance to cleanup before being yanked from existance. Last reference to the service is now gone, going to do the unload. 
no defined mesasage fo this 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::MSG_UserServiceMessages. 
this is the techincal type of SYSV IPC MSGQueues 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::MSGQ_ID_BASE. 
this will determine the length of parameter list based on the first and last parameters. 
This is macro sack::msg::protocol::ServerFunctionEntry. 
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