Sack Library Documentation
sack::network::udp Namespace Functions
Open a UDP socket. Since the address to send to is implied on each message that is sent, all that is required is to setup where the UDP socket is listening. 
Queue a read to a UDP socket. A read cannot complete if it does not have a buffer to read into. A UDP socket will stall if the read callback returns without queuing a read. 
Logs to the log file the content of a socket address. 
Sets the target default address of a UDP connection. 
Specify a different default address to send UDP messages to. 
Sends to a UDP Network connection. 
NETWORK_PROC( PCLIENT, ServeUDP )( CTEXTSTR pAddr, _16 wPort, cReadCompleteEx pReadComplete, cCloseCallback Close); NETWORK_PROC( PCLIENT, ServeUDP )( CTEXTSTR pAddr, _16 wPort, cReadCompleteEx pReadComplete, cCloseCallback Close); Creates a client to listen for messages or to send UDP messages. 
This is function sack::network::udp::ServeUDPEx. 
A UDP message may be sent to a broadcast address or a subnet broadcast address, in either case, this must be called to enable broadcast communications, else the address must be a direct connection. 
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