Sack Library Documentation
key is sensitive to capslock state 
set to disallow key redefinition 
no keydef here... 
This is macro sack::image::render::KDF_NOREDEF. 
key is sensitive to numlock state the numpad returns num0 - ... or numpad returns home/end/pgdn etc... 
action is called on key release 
if !defined( DISPLAY_SOURCE ) && !defined( DISPLAY_SERVICE ) && !defined( DISPLAY_CLIENT ) 
This is macro sack::image::render::KEYMOD_ALT. 
This is macro sack::image::render::KEYMOD_ANY. 
This is macro sack::image::render::KEYMOD_CTRL. 
This is macro sack::image::render::KEYMOD_NORMAL. 
This is macro sack::image::render::KEYMOD_SHIFT. 
This is the type that the sack::image::render primarily deals with. This is used to put Image to physical display. It can be a truly alpha transparent surface on Windows XP+, and the transparent surface can do region updates in Windows Vista+.

This typename is aliased to different real structures depending on context. The application should just regard this type as a simple value and never ever try to delve into it. 
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