Sack Library Documentation
IMPORT_METHOD PCLIENT ServeUDPAddrEx(SOCKADDR * pAddr, cReadCompleteEx pReadComplete, cCloseCallback Close DBG_PASS);
NULL if no sockets are available, or the bind fails. (consult log?)
returns a network connection which is listening on the specified address. The read complete will be called. if it is specified, before this function returns.
NETWORK_PROC( PCLIENT, ServeUDP )( CTEXTSTR pAddr, _16 wPort, cReadCompleteEx pReadComplete, cCloseCallback Close); NETWORK_PROC( PCLIENT, ServeUDP )( CTEXTSTR pAddr, _16 wPort, cReadCompleteEx pReadComplete, cCloseCallback Close); Creates a client to listen for messages or to send UDP messages.
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