Sack Library Documentation
sack::containers::text Namespace Functions
Collapses an indirect segment or a while list of segments into a single segment with content expanded. When passed to things like TextParse and Burst, segments have their positioning encoded to counters for tabs and spaces; the segment itself contains only text without whitespace. Buildline expands these segments into their plain text representation. 
define BuildLineEx(b,pt,single) BuildLineEx(b,pt,single DBG_SRC
Process a line of PTEXT into another line of PTEXT, but with words parsed as appropriate for common language. 
This is function sack::containers::text::CharWConvertEx. 
You Must Deallocate the result 
Compares a couple lists of text segments. 
This is function sack::containers::text::ConvertAsciiEbdic. 
This is function sack::containers::text::ConvertEbcdicAscii. 
This is function sack::containers::text::ConvertTextURI. 
This is function sack::containers::text::ConvertURIText. 
This is function sack::containers::text::CreateUserInputBuffer. 
This is function sack::containers::text::DestroyUserInputBuffer. 
PTEXT DumpText( PTEXT somestring ) PTExT (single data segment with full description r in text) 
This is function sack::containers::text::EnqueUserInputHistory. 
This removes indirect segments, replacing them with their indirect content. 
This is function sack::containers::text::FloatCreateFromSeg. 
This is function sack::containers::text::FloatCreateFromText. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GatherUserInput. 
similar to GetIndirect - but results in the literal pointer instead of the text that the application may have registered to result with. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetIndirect. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetSegmentLength. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetSegmentLengthEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetSegmentSpace. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetSegmentSpaceEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetText. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetTextFlags. 
This is function sack::containers::text::GetTextSize. 
This is function sack::containers::text::IntCreateFromSeg. 
This is function sack::containers::text::IntCreateFromText. 
Tests the content of a PTEXT to see if it might be a number. 
This is function sack::containers::text::LikeText. 
Duplicates a linked list of segments.
Duplicates the structure of a line. The resulting line is an exact duplicate of the input line. All segments linked in exactly the same sorts of ways. 
This is function sack::containers::text::LineLengthExEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::LineLengthExx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::LineReleaseEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::RecallUserInput. 
by registering for TF_APPLICTION is set on the segment and flags anded with the segment flags match, the function is called.... the result is the actual segment of this - since a TF_APPLICATION is also TF_INDIRECT - using the size to point to some application defined structure instead of a PTEXT structure. 
these return 1 for more(l1>l2) -1 for (l1<l2) and 0 for match. 
This is function sack::containers::text::SegAppend. 
This is function sack::containers::text::SegBreak. 
This is function sack::containers::text::SegConcatEx. 
#define LikeText( l1, l2 ) ( strnicmp( GetText(l1), GetText(l2), textmin( GetTextSize(l1), GetTextSize(l2) ) ) ) #define TextIs(text,string) ( !stricmp( GetText(text), string ) ) #define TextLike(text,string) ( !stricmp( GetText(text), string ) ) 
This is function sack::containers::text::SegCreateFrom_64Ex. 
Removes a segment from a list. It also releases the segment. 
removes segment from any list it might be in, returns segment. This substitutes a text segment 'this' with 'that.
The segment may be substituted by a list of segments. (Replace the word 'the' with ('this','little','apple') ). 
Inserts a segment before another segment. 
This is function sack::containers::text::SegSubst. 
Removes a segment from a list of segments. Links what was prior and what was after together. Sets both next and prior of the segment unlinked to NULL. 
Used to set the content of a segment to some application defined value. This allows a users application to store chunks of data in lists of text. These external chunks are handled like other words. 
bInsert < 0 toggle insert. bInsert == 0 clear isnert(set overwrite) else set insert (clear overwrite ) 
Updates the current input position, for things like input, etc. Some external process indicates where in the line to set the cursor position. 
Compares if text is like a C string. Case Sensitive.
TRUE if they are alike.
FALSE if they are different.
Compares if text is like a C string. Case insensitive (like). 
text parse - more generic flavor of burst.
static CTEXTSTR normal_punctuation=WIDE("'"\({[<>]}):@%/,;!?=*&$^~#`"); filter_to_space WIDE(" t") 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextAddCharacterEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextAddDataEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextCreateEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextCreateExEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextDestroyEx. 
Empties a PVARTEXT structure. 
Commits the currently collected text to segment, and adds the segment to the internal line accumulator. returns true if any data was added... move any collected text to commit... 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextExpandEx. 
Gets the text segment built in the VarText. The PVARTEXT is set to empty. Clears the collector. 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextInitEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextLength. 
This is function sack::containers::text::VarTextPeekEx. 
This is function sack::containers::text::vvtprintf. 
This is function sack::containers::text::WcharConvertEx. 
You Must Deallocate the result 
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